Contact Us

  • Main Office:

    Beaconsfield Financial Services, Inc.
    160 Technology Dr.
    Suite 101
    Canonsburg, PA 15317

    Phone: 724-745-6800
    Fax: 724-745-6886

    Michigan Branch:

    Beaconsfield Financial Services, Inc.
    Bruce Edger
    Clayton Edger
    518 W. Apple St.
    Hastings, MI 49058

    Phone: 269-743-4181
    Toll-Free: 877-723-5847
    Fax: 269-743-4187


Directions to Southpointe and Beaconsfield Financial Services, Inc.

From North

Take 79 Exit 48, turn Right onto ramp and keep Right.  Turn Right (West) onto Southpointe Blvd.   Turn Right onto Technology Drive (the second Technology Drive...Technology is a horseshoe onto Southpointe Blvd., so you need to turn right at the second Technology Drive.) Driveway is on the Right.  Two story building faces Southpointe Blvd.


From South

Take 79 Exit 48, turn Right onto ramp and keep Straight.  Turn Left (West) onto Southpointe Blvd.  Turn Right onto Technology Drive (the second Technology Drive...Technology is a horseshoe onto Southpointe Blvd., so you need to turn right at the second Technology Drive.) Driveway is on the Right.  Two story building faces Southpointe Blvd.